Please find below our recent blog posts tagged under the category 'Menopause'...
How can therapy help guide us through the perimenopause journey?
Barbara Morgan, a Gestalt psychotherapist & Family Constellations practitioner in our Bath and Islington centres, shares how bringing ritual to the big moments in her life has helped her both define and embrace them…
Gillian Sinclair, a homeopath at our Bath centre, shares some thoughts on embracing the hidden imbalance of your monthly cycle, and learning to work with, not against it
Coach and Nutritional Therapist, Nina Galley, discusses, how with support, reaching out and talking, can help you reconnect with yourself and others, helping to change the story of Menopause. Together we are not alone.
In part 2 of her blog, NLP Coach and Nutritional Therapist - Nina Galley - talks about the gift of the transition of menopause.
NLP Coach and Nutritional Therapist - Nina Galley - explores menopause as a transitional process and ways to navigate this time of life.
Kim Swinden likens Menopause to Autumn, a time of change into unpredictability that bridges between what has gone before and what is up ahead in the second half of our lives.
Helen Gormley talks about menopause and therapy - an opportunity for reflection, reconnection, reset, and rejuvenation.
Counsellor Catherine Flynn explores the inevitable changes experienced during menopause and the support counsellors offer during this life change.