Hi! I've been obsessed with movement, the body, and physically helping myself and others since a very early age. I'm trained in a form of deep tissue therapeutic massage called "Raynor Massage", that is fairly advanced in its understanding of the body. It resembles structural bodywork, when done well! If you're in pain, I can help. If you want to simply improve performance and the flow of energy and vitality, I can help there, too! We'll look at the various symptoms you're coming with, and consider your goals, and then we'll get to work diagnosing the root causes of the problems, and working through them to release them once and for all. That's the aim, at least..! (And nothing but 5 star reviews on Google...) Be warned, this is not a spa massage! We go at your pace, but we do work with intention and focus, and sometimes it will stretch you. £35 introductory offer (60 mins), with further sessions priced at £50 - £80 sliding scale (pay what works for you). *No one will be omitted for financial reasons. If you're in pain, and/or you want to do this work, but can't swing the full price right now, email me and we'll work something out. I've benefitted from free and low-cost options before, so it's my pleasure to extend the same offer to others when they need it. Warmth, and looking forward to showing you the work, Cameron P.S. Schedule your first session at cameronhillmassage.com
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