Only our own development, the widening of our value system, the deepening of our consciousness, will give us a chance of reversing climate change, says Angus Landman…
Whatever ones views on the “science” of climate change, what seems indisputable is the fact that we are exploiting our planet and that technological advances, together with an exploding population, have made the win/lose metric of exploitation manifestly and increasingly unsustainable.
The modern world’s system based on that metric is not objectively “wrong”, therefore not a matter of political debate, rather it is a matter of function, that is to say that it is just not working and climate change is merely one symptom of that cause.
To deal with the problem we need to deal with the symptom and the cause.
Technology might give us a shot at the symptom but only our own development, the widening of our value system, the deepening of our consciousness, will give us a chance of sustainable inter-being.
At its core the shift recognises that “what we do to another we do to ourselves”…grasping this, not as an intellectual idea, but as a psychospiritual truth represents the movement from an egocentric worldview of win/lose to a world-centric win/win.
I would say the future of humanity is here, on the line.
This is an existential crisis, a challenge of evolution, and evolution, as the dodo might have warned us, is essentially a brutal invitation to “grow up or die”
It’s a reminder - just in case we have been distracted by noises off - that the work we do, even at The Practice Rooms, is about addressing the climate crisis at its most fundamental level.
Remaining focused with clarity of purpose is the ground of our practice. Enabling each other across the bridge is the community we can and must build.
Now is not the time to hide our light but to light our candles and invite others to light theirs from ours.