There are times in life when some people may experience overwhelming feelings and behaviours that can persist even with the support of friends and loved ones. I'm a qualified accredited practitioner with a solid track record of positive changes affirmed by my clients. I offer a consistent, competent and affordable service to all my clients regardless of their world views, cultural diversity and other factors. I help my clients resolve the challenges they may be dealing with or issues which are troubling them using a combined approach to therapy that best matches their characteristics and preferences.
I encourage my clients to fully explore their experiences and help them accept who they are and what is out their personal control, so they can better understand their current situation and improve their lives.
Being empathetic requires the listener to have the ability to recognize the other's perspective without judgement. Let us find ourselves on the path of compassion and understanding as client and therapist, from one human being to another.
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Alberto Congosto Nunez will then contact you to discuss making a booking....