Helping you release the blocks, beliefs and behaviours that are holding you back and causing you pain, so you can start living your best life.
There are times in our lives that we seem to be stuck or hitting a wall. You may feel trapped in a cycle you can't get out of. Maybe you dream of a life of more purpose but don't quite know what that is.
The subconscious mind is responsible for 90% of our beliefs, issues and blocks and I work with a variety of progressive modalities that work with the conscious, subconscious and energetic to help replace the struggle with freedom and activate your full potential. The most common thing my clients say too me is: “I WISH I’D DONE THIS YEARS AGO!”
I have experienced many of the issues my clients come to me for, be it self confidence, anxiety, finding your purpose, creative flow or abundance I can help you release what is getting in the way and support you in creating a life that works for you on your own terms.
I'm a fully qualified advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist, clinical hypnotherapist, Vortexhealer® (Jewel level) , Transformational Life Coach, Quantum Flow and Yoga Nidra teacher. I would love to chat to you about how I can help.
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Charlotte Ferrier will then contact you to discuss making a booking....