I believe we all need somewhere confidential and safe to download. Life today is so pressured, frantic and monitored that space to talk freely without judgement or stress is rare. Sometimes we simply feel overloaded, confused, down or ever in crisis. There might be money worries or relationship pressures. Sometimes we fall into bad habits or addictions; or we need to make difficult decisions. And sometimes we simply need space to air our concerns about health, lover, work, children, friendships – or just where we are going in life. I am an experienced, trained integrated humanistic psychotherapist who believes being listened to, understood and supported can help you to bring about important changes in your life. I believe therapy can really help you to understand and like yourself, in fact, to love yourself and become your true self. It can enable you to get on track and make the most of your life, relationships and opportunities.
Psychotherapy with Corinne Sweet - I have been working as a counsellor and psychotherapist for many years. I believe the current challenges we are facing in our society and culture, and the speed we are living at, is making it more important than ever to find time and space to think and deal with our feelings. Therapy gives you time to be with yourself, to work things out, process emotions, make decisions, in the presence of someone who is on your side and who doesn't criticise or judge. I have been working with people all my adult life and have benefitted hugely from my own experience of therapy. I am a campaigner, a teacher and lecturer, a broadcaster, I am also a writer: I've written several self-help books (see below) and screenplays/dramas. I am a singer and media performer (classical concerts, TV and Radio). I also write biographies as a 'Ghostwriter'. I run therapy workshops based on my books (see below).
Executive Coaching / Life Coaching with Corinne Sweet - Making decisions and implementing them is the stuff of life. However, the pressures can sometimes seem daunting, and the space to be able to make clear decisions, elusive. You may need new challenges, or want to explore new arenas; or you may be wanting to change tack completely. You may know, intuitively, that your success is being blocked – by you – in some way, but don't know exactly how to do it. Or you may feel blocked by organisational difficulties. It might well be time to strategize, to figure out a new way forward. Whatever it is, I can help you, as a coach, to find your best self, to plan your path to success and to break old habits that no longer serve you. Change is always possible, but sometimes it takes courage and support to embrace it wholeheartedly.
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