There are times in our lives when how we feel, what we're experiencing or what we're thinking can seem jumbled up like a spool of tangled string and we're feeling stuck which causes us real suffering. This stuckness can affect our emotions, thinking, behaviours and even our physical health. We have options. We can ignore it, fight it, get distracted or we can do the work. I would like to support you by listening to you without judgement, helping you consider what is going on in your life, so you heal, rebalance and move towards a more integrated, genuine you. For this to happen deep trust and compassion are foundational.
I'm an integrative therapist and coach, this means I am skilled and flexible in using different psychological approaches for you as an individual. I use counselling to work with emotions, thoughts, behaviours or physical chronic conditions, so you can heal and rebalance. I use coaching to support you to move in the direction of new possibilities.
I've been trained in integrative counselling therapy and coaching. This means we will spend time together and I will listen deeply to you, without judgement, with compassion and unconditionally. I want to know you and what you're experiencing deeply so that you can trust me, even with some of your most painful emotions, experiences and memories.
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - David Mark will then contact you to discuss making a booking....