Áine is a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist practicing in Bristol.
(BCST) is a non-invasive touch based therapy with its roots in the field of osteopathy. It offers a gentle yet potent way of supporting the bodies innate capacity to orient towards health, harnessing our deep intelligence and self-healing capabilities.
BCST acknowledges that your body constantly seeks optimal health and vitality. When faced with stress, overwhelm or disturbances; physical, emotional or relational, our inherent capacity to orient towards health can become compromised. Within BCST practitioners use gentle touch to 'listen' to the subtle motions of the bones, tissues and systems of the body, finding areas of holding and restricted. From here we work on facilitating the dissipation of held forces and experiences, inviting motion, integration and a state of balance into areas of unease; re-orienting them back into health.
BCST acknowledges the whole and can be used to help with...
Sessions take place fully clothed, lying face up on the treatment couch. Gentle contact is made on the body; often the head, spine and pelvis, allowing the practitioner to tune into the subtle motions of your system. Open dialogue is kept throughout the session as we track shifts and changes.
The gentle nature of CST means that it can be used by everyone; from new-born babies to the elderly. CST can be particularly beneficial to those with fragile or painful conditions.
CST can be used for specific issues or received on an ongoing basis as a resource for aiding energy, vitality and our ability to navigate life's ups and downs.
About Áine:
Áine came to CST after suffering various injuries in a cycling accident while working as a dance artist in London. Not only was the work transformative to her recovery, but it also felt surprisingly different that other modalities she had encountered. It felt as if it was working at a much deeper and more fundamental level.
After continuing her own treatments and a deep dive into BCST, she later trained as a practitioner. Áine's previous experience in somatic, movement and years of inquiry into the body has left her deeply receptive to the vast intelligence and possibility of the human form; whether physiological, emotional, artistic, athletic or relational. This embodied knowledge plays an integral role in her therapeutic work, enriching her understanding greatly.
Áine is deeply passionate about this work and the benefits it can bring her clients. She has seen and experienced first hand the profound healing capabilities that are available when we are able to slow down, comeback into our bodies, be heard, met and listened to.
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Áine Ashby will then contact you to discuss making a booking....