My name is Jan-Ming Lee, and I hold BODYSPOKEN somatic bodywork sessions in Bristol and in London.
I am trained in The Pantarei Approach which is a body-based approach that combines talking therapy with hands-on empathetic touch & movement.
Working also as a musician, dancer and performance-maker, I became fascinated with body awareness and the communicative power of touch, to learn about ourselves and each other. These things are a basic human need, yet so neglected in our education and society today. We may still engage in physicality and touch, but we may not be encouraged to connect it deeply to our thoughts, feelings or ideas. The body can remain repressed, mystified, inaccessible or unspoken.
With BODYSPOKEN sessions, I want to flip this around. Here, in these sessions, we tap into our bodily intelligence while exploring verbal communication. Working with both can give us clarity, strength and empowerment into our goals, challenges and wishes in life.
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Jan Ming Lee will then contact you to discuss making a booking....