My therapeutic practice is grounded in a deep respect for the power of hands on therapies to effect profound physical, mental and emotional healing. My practitioner's studies, ongoing professional development training and also my own daily practice form part of a life-long journey of learning about this really ancient art of healing, about which there is always so much more to learn. I have a Level 3 Practitioner's Diploma in Holistic Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage, Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology from the London College of Massage. My post-diploma training includes Pregnancy Massage, Facial Acupressure, Tabletop Thai Massage, Indian Head Massage, Treatment techniques for Sciatica and Frozen Shoulder, Seated Chair Massage and Trigger Point Release Techniques, and I bring all of this knowledge to the treatments I provide, always focusing on what is best suited to that client, at that particular time. For me, listening to the client during the consultation and physically 'listening' to the body during the treatment are at the core of a successful therapeutic experience, as is a therapy space that feels safe, calm and welcoming. I believe in respect and kindness for all people.
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