Hello there,
I offer Craniosacral therapy and integration in Bristol and Exeter for you to feel nourished, resourced and restored.
I have an admiration for the healing potential that lives within us all and I believe CST can help you to feel empowered and connected to your health, yourself and your body. We can have the perception that our body systems do their thing without us, but we do have an influence on our health.
If you would like to explore this, I look forward very much to connecting and seeing how CST can support you on your journey.
What is CST?
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and profound hands-on practice that supports your body to relax, eases tension and pain, restores balance and health and helps you to connect to your heart, body and soul.
The focus in the session on your body's inherent health it gives the body the chance to let go of ongoing pain and disease. Whether that dis-ease is from an old injury, illness, traumatic experience, stress or whatever else may be being held in your system, it might be causing feelings of unease, disconnection or low moods and be distracting the system from its health and depleting its resources. CST works with your system to offer you more space, ease and cohesion.
During a session you lie fully clothed on your back on a massage table whilst I gently place my hands on on your body, often at your feet, head, back, chest, lower spine and sacrum to sense where in your body is holding tension to support your system to restore balance and health.
CST can help with:
Everybody's experience of CST is unique, this is part of the beauty of the work. Your body knows the score and chooses where it wants support and attention. In a session this could look like:
By giving your system the space and encouragement to engage with itself in this way it supports your overall health and wellbeing in a deep and sustainable way.
About Kirsty:
My journey with Craniosacral Therapy came at a time when I was suffering with physical and mental illness. Through a series of sessions and self introspection my body became my teacher and I slowly learned to connect with it, respect it and listen to it.
As I learned to connect with my body in this new way, my health improved and I was able to find a sense of clarity, embodiment and inner stillness that has been so empowering for me.
I believe that every body contains the blueprint of health and the more we connect to our bodies, the more space, our body's intelligence and vitality has to come forward and heal us.
I carry this trust into my sessions; that your body knows what it needs, it's my role to support that process with my care, presence and compassion, so that the inherent healing process can take place.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions or would just like a chat about whether CST is right for you.
"I was taken away by how gentle the therapy was, but how much shifted within my body during Kirsty's session. I could feel my physical body undergoing subtle changes to bring itself back to peace. My body knew what it needed, Kirsty gave it the space listen and facilitated the freedom within myself to let the changes take place. I'd recommend Kirsty to everyone she is a calming, open and gifted practitioner."
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Kirsty Mackenzie will then contact you to discuss making a booking....