A continual personal journey over 30 years of adding skills that help individuals who present with life issues held at energetic levels ( Aura ).
By understanding that everything in life eventually manifests itself into a physical complaint, she is interested in working with the trauma held at emotional and mental levels which prevent realisation and actualisation of self-love by bringing to conscious awareness the blocks held around the energy centres (Chakras). Harmony and balance is a result using various techniques.
Many skills allow her to use many techniques with particular interest in the development of the Inner Child and Ancestral blocks that currently affect the development of the adult.
The intuitive nature and interaction with the individual begins with understanding the Psychosomatic and Core beliefs held at a very deep unconscious level.
This can be integrated with counselling and body work to clarify the Somatic trauma held at Physical as well as emotional and mental levels.
Training with the School of Energy Healing UK over 3 years, Lana trained under a graduate of The Barbara Brendan School USA ( 2001-2004) along with various teachers from indigenous cultures over the years giving her insight into the value of Shamanism and Breathwork as part of the healing programme which is depending on the individuals open response to the journey of healing the Mind, body and Spirit.
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Lana Lynn Mareno will then contact you to discuss making a booking....