I am originally from France and I live in the UK since 2002. I am a qualified Feldenkrais® Practitioner and movement coach helping people from all walks of life, to move through their lives with greater freedom, creativity and ease. My background as a professional dancer for 20 years, gives me also tools to understand what it means to work with the body, through chronic pain, injury and physical limitations. I offer Functional Integration®. They are are individual hands-on sessions taking place either sitting, standing or lying a low and wide padded table. Using non-invasive, caring and supportive touch, I move you with my hands, highlighting areas of your body that may be less tend to. Thus gradually you discover new ways of organising yourself, recognise habitual patterns and clarify your self-image. The Feldenkrais® Method brings into play the brain's plasticity (the ability of our brain to change) by using gentle movement, guided attention and touch to improve self-awareness and enhance how we move, think, feel and sense. Thus expanding how we experience ourselves and how we interact with our environment. The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Moshé Feldenkrais ( 1904-1984) .
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