My name is Leonie Klein and I am a Shiatsu practitioner with over 20 years experience of bodywork and energy healing. I aim to create a safe, warm and welcome space in which to offer support to you in your healing journey. I offer a choice of Shiatsu (clothed, Japanese bodywork therapy) and bespoke massage to give your body-mind-being an opportunity to rejuvenate, re-energise and repair itself.
My approach to healing honours the interconnectedness of physical health, emotional and mental wellbeing. My bodywork is both physical treatment and energy medicine. I work intuitively, led by the wisdom of your body, I explore what it may be calling out for and responding to where I feel you may need to be held, met, supported or challenged. Ill health, physical pain, tension, and discomfort have resonance with other aspects of life - daily struggles, emotional wounding, how we move and hold ourselves in the world. Physical symptoms can be seen and addressed as gateways through which to engage the body's innate wisdom and healing resources to bring integration and transformation.
I continue to develop as a practitioner through regular supervision, further study, and self-development. I use yoga, qi gong, dance, therapy, and ceremony to support me in my own wellbeing.
For people who are interested in experiencing the benefits of ongoing regular support from shiatsu, I offer blocks of weekly treatments at a discounted rate. Please visit my website call me on 07768789661 or email me on
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Shiatsu is a bodywork treatment, practiced through clothing on a futon on the floor. Unlike regular massage I offer a pressure touch, sinking into the body rather than gliding over the skin. I use my hands, elbows, knees and sometimes feet to contact the dynamic life source energy (Qi, Ki or Prana) alongside stretches and limb rotations to open, connect and create space and movement within the body. Shiatsu works by treating the whole person, rather than focussing on single ailments or points of discomfort. Through the simple power of touch, Shiatsu engages the body's innate wisdom and healing resources to bring integration and transformation.
I offer a Bespoke Oil Massage Treatment that combines the many skills I have developed over the years. My approach incorporates techniques from Deep Tissue Massage, Holistic Massage, Raynor, Hands Free and my many years as a Shiatsu practitioner. My massage combines long, firm sweeping strokes with more focussed point holding and gentle coaxing of muscles to release. Because I generally apply pressure with my forearms, not only do I cover more body areas at once, giving a more satisfying massage but I meet tension with relaxed weight, helping the muscle and connective tissue to yield and surrender. Releasing these areas of tension makes available stagnant or blocked life force energy (Prana or Qi) and my clients regularly report feeling more relaxed, energised and having a greater sense of vitality after a treatment.
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Leonie Klein will then contact you to discuss making a booking....