I am an established hands-on-therapist, offering a wide variety of treatments across a wide spectrum of disciplines (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual) to people from all walks of life. My Signature therapy combines energy work with Light Touch physical massage and gentle, low impact, low velocity manipulation, the treatment can be carried out through light weight clothing or on skin and with pre-blended aromatherapy oils. (I use fractionated coconut oil as my base oil, as it is moisturising and leaves the skin silky smooth with no sticky residue). I work towards treating the root cause of mental, physical and emotional symptoms, treating the root cause prevents the symptoms from re-occurring. Treatments encompass past life trauma, familial trauma along with relationship and environmental issues in the home and at work. As a Holistic Therapist I do not just consider the person in the now, but the entire history, environment, nutrition and all areas that the person is exposed to now and in the past that causes an effect on the persons well-being in the now. (Your well being is your most preciouses possession)
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Mike Way will then contact you to discuss making a booking....