I graduated from the MTI Professional course at Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork in 2005 and since then I have been practicing and developing what I believe to be the most effective approach to massage.
I identify the areas that need work and concentrate on them, making the most of the time we have.
I constantly monitor the pressure I’m using so your massage is deep enough to be effective without being painful.
I set out to discover the patterns of tension in people and understand how they relate to their lives. I want to get the whole picture and never start out thinking I know the answer.
I accept people as they are and often feel humbled at the way clients open up to me and the process I offer.
Clients who feel they have a permanent problem are often amazed to find that it can be alleviated by massage.
Please see my website for prices and further information.
If you like my approach to massage you may be interested in my Introduction to Massage course for people who would like to learn massage to use with their family and friends. Please see my website for more information.
If you would like to give a massage as a gift I have vouchers available.
Complete the form below with your details and therapy requirements - Nigel Williams will then contact you to discuss making a booking....