Mindset coaching enables you to live by conscious choice rather than by habits, other people's expectations or old limiting beliefs. I help people take back control, and find more purpose, balance, fulfilment and happiness in life.
Although there is an enormous potential in each of us, all too often we sabotage ourselves with doubts, lack of confidence, worries, and comparison with others. Subconscious automatic thought patterns give us deceptive reasons to stay where we are rather than pursuing our aims and aspirations.
As a certified mindset and life coach, I offer a safe, non-judgemental and client-focused space which can reveal blind spots, limiting beliefs and hidden blockages. Using several techniques based on cognitive, behavioural and neuroscientist research, I tap into your potential and so that you can discover and activate hidden skills, resources and strengths, to create positive change.
I also offer ongoing support if new challenges come up or if you need a boost for your confidence, motivation, commitment or stickability.
Here some examples of what my clients say:
"Regina worked with me for several months on setting realistic professional and personal goals and maintain a healthy work life balance. I found the conversations with her enormously helpful as she has a unique ability to empathize, listen and brighten up your day. She sheds light on entangled situations and habits, disentangles them with you and makes you see your positive qualities and how to strengthen them. Her goal is not only to help others with the excellent and imaginative advice she provides but to enable others to find confidence, wisdom, and strength in themselves. Regina also draws upon a wealth of professional experiences in high pressure and demanding universities which makes her the ideal coach for academics and PhD students. All in all, I am so thrilled that I was able to work with her as Regina has a real gift to help change lives for the better."
"With her refreshing and empathic manner, Regina achieved that I reclaimed the courage to allow myself things that until then I had only granted others and to accept my own strengths. With her feeling for the essentials, she does not allow herself to be distracted by sideshows and coaches exclusively without judgment. She never criticizes or censors, but is always 100% honest in her support. The coaching has helped me an awful lot, both privately and professionally. I have completely reoriented myself and am suddenly a much happier and more content person. For me it is like the end of a lifelong search in which I was almost lost. I can only say THANK YOU for this help, which will be with me all my life."
(More reviews on my website)
If you would like to find out more about mindset coaching, contact me for a free initial consultation. It would be lovely to chat with you about your projects, challenges and aspirations.
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