Well-being is a pleasant natural human state of feeling content. It's achieved by being in tune with our body, emotions, mental health, and physical needs. There is growing evidence that says those who take pro-active steps to maintain their well-being live happier lives. This benefits us as individuals, as a community and as a society. As an individual, experiencing the art of therapeutic touch through biodynamic massage, we can learn to be in this natural human state of "well-being" with consequential benefits to ourselves, and everyone around us.
Biodynamic massage balances mind and body. It affects all aspects of our being – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. It uses a wide range of touch techniques, working with the skin, connective tissue, muscle and bone, as well as the subtle levels of the human energy field. In each session the therapist selects the technique(s) best suited to meet the emotional and physical needs of each client. A biodynamic massage treatment can be experienced by one person as extremely gentle and calming, and by another as energising and enlivening.
You can go to www.abmt.org.uk for a comprehensive description of the techniques used in biodynamic massage.