The Feldenkrais Method® offers a unique and practical way to realise our potential more fully. It is an educational method focusing on learning and movement, which can bring about improved movement and enhanced functioning. It is named after its originator, Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), an engineer and physicist as well as a Judo teacher.
What are the benefits?
Each session revolves around a question: how do your habits of movement help you, but at the same time stand in the way of doing better? In a typical session, you and the practitioner discuss this, then you lie fully-clothed on a low table as the teacher's hands gently support you, suggesting, encouraging and guiding you towards new ways of moving and organising yourself.
Each lesson is unique and designed by your teacher to address your particular habits of moving and holding yourself. Your increasing self-awareness enables you to let go of these habits, to find and choose new patterns of movement; you may find similar development in the flexibility of your thinking and feeling.
The lesson will often lead to suggestions by the teacher for ways of working on your own, in order to help the new choices become a lasting part of your life. Lessons are particularly useful for specific or long-standing problems, and to provide ongoing support for your everyday life.
Conditions that can be helped by one-to-one, hands-on Feldenkrais Method include:
Feldenkrais practitioner Dianne Hancock explores the importance of play and playfulness, as children and long into adulthood.
Dianne Hancock explores the use of The Feldenkrais Method to help identity limiting habits and create change.
We have therapists specialising in Feldenkrais Method at the following centres....