FOGO - have you, or someone you care for, suddenly developed a fear of going out?
There are so many people out there, of all ages, feeling fearful of returning to life after Lockdown. And, they just can’t explain these emotions. Especially when many are rejoicing about ‘getting back to normal’.
But, it’s so confusing, isn’t it? One minute we’re being told that it’s safe to stay in, to keep others safe by isolating. Children and workers were told to stay at home otherwise you might kill Granny. Some fought it at first, like the proverbial baby elephant that fights to free itself from the stake and rope. Then we realised we couldn’t fight it and we gave in, some more than others. Dutifully, we sheltered at home. Locked in. Locked down. Kept our distance from our loved ones, friends, acquaintances, school, and work. Didn’t hug our loved ones, until the date we were told it’s safe now. But, what if that part of us still worrying doesn’t believe we are safe. That it is still trying to do its job by telling you there is something to be afraid of here?
We adjust.
We feel safe.
We feel like good citizens because we are doing what we are told to keep others safe. Then, when we have stopped trying to break free from the rope. Given in to the new way. We are told, it’s ok now.
Go to school.
Go to work.
Go to bars and eat out…but, be careful there still might be danger out there.
And then it’s all change again.
It’s no surprise when things “don’t feel right”
We have been living by the idea that it’s not safe to go out. We have started new habits and feel comfortable at home. All of a sudden the things we used to enjoy like going out for lunch, dinner, partying, networking, seem strange, unfamiliar even threatening.
We start to feel panic, anxiety and just can’t understand it. That feeling that wells up inside – possibly starting at the sternum and rising up towards your throat. That is how it was for me.
My years of training in self-awareness and emotional intelligence, helped me quash it quickly so that this didn’t become an issue for me.
I have had many conversations recently with people saying, “I just can’t explain it, suddenly I feel like this…I’m afraid of this…I want to stay at home?”
It is not surprising considering all we have been told for over a year now is to stay at home. It’s safe at home and outside is dangerous. All communications have been warnings, telling us that there has been something deadly to be afraid of.
Now, we are assured it is safe to go out and play, work, and live our lives but some people are finding this harder than others.
I want to reassure those people feeling anxious and feel like they are not who they used to be that this can stop as quickly as it started. You still are that person that is able to go to school, to work, to play, socialise, and network.
If you have been feeling this way, it’s because your fight or flight response has been working overtime to protect you. Now, it is time to reassure it that you are ok.
That it is safe to go out and do those things and to allow you to experience some fun and joy, knowing that you know the right things to do that will keep you, your friends, and loved ones safe.
And just imagine the fun that you are going to have.
#fogo #lockdownanxiety #lockdownrecovery