More and more women are seeking support during their pregnancies outside of the conventional medical system. Gabrielle Cheyney looks at some of the therapies that offer deeper wellbeing at this unique time...
From pregnancy massage to acupuncture, doula support, homeopathy and herbal medicine; there is more on offer outside of standard hospital appointments.
Just like a women’s fertility, her pregnancy will be influenced by many factors. From a biological point of view, exercise, diet and psychological wellbeing are a foundation that mainstream systems recognise. However, as an acupuncturist, naturopath and holistic therapist, I know that there is more to it, and energetic health can make a huge difference to a women’s pregnancy and birth outcome.
Acupuncture is widely-recognised for having numerous benefits for pregnancy-related complaints and can be used to help with a range of symptoms from fatigue, to stress, anxiety, morning sickness, digestive issues, muscular aches, and also helping to maintain pregnancy during the first trimester, if there has been a history of miscarriage.
In addition, acupuncture targets the whole person, so mind, body and soul will benefit. Helping to regulate the nervous system, decrease stress hormones and provide calming effects is of huge benefit to both the mother and baby. The energetic health of the mother, and her emotional wellbeing have an important role to play on the nervous system of the unborn baby and can often be a starting point for manifestations later on in life.
In TCM Gynaecology, there is a cycle that is followed which is called "raising the fetus month by month." Each month corresponds to a different channel, starting with the liver channel and ending with the bladder post partum. Each channel has different emotions and food associations and helps support the baby energetically in a different way. As acupuncturists we can even determine the gender of the baby through taking the pulse and help with breech presentations using Moxibustion (a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves burning the herb mugwort near a specific point)!
Pregnancy Massage
Another way that expectant mothers can be supported, is with pregnancy massage after the first trimester. The power of touch cannot be underestimated. Pregnancy massage is a wonderful treatment that can support both the mother and baby and is incredibly relaxing. Apart from being relaxing, massage can help support you in a time where your body is going through a lot of change. The main benefits include: stimulating the digestive system, improving overall circulation in the body, reducing joint and muscle pain, helping improve sleep and thereby supporting you and baby. Regular pregnancy massage can also help facilitate aneasier labour and birthing experience by helping raise endorphin, oxytocin,serotonin and dopamine levels.
Despite many misconceptions, Reiki is safe during pregnancy. Reiki can help a women during all stages of her pregnancy, helping on the emotional and physical level and also working on the child. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing and is delivered by laying on hands. If the mother is relaxed during pregnancy, the baby will also be relaxed which in turn increases the likelihood of the mother having an easier labour. Having more of the feel good hormones is of great benefit for all.
Naturopathic Support
Lastly, naturopaths have a big tool box available to support pregnant women, such as food energetics andnutrition, flower essences, first aid homeopathy, tissue salts and more. Eating right for your constitution and constitutional imbalances tied in with Chinese medicinecan make a huge difference. For example, if the woman is naturally ‘blood deficient’ we would recommend plenty of blood building foods such as beetroot, all red berries, goji berries and red meat if she is not vegetarian. Flower essences can also be useful for those that seek some gentle emotional support; maybe they are feeling a bit anxious or suffering with a low mood - making a bespoke flower essence which is energetic can help them on a soul and emotional level. There can often be great anxiety just before the birth itself and support in this way can help women feel more grounded.
First aid homeopathic remedies are equallyuseful and recommended to support post birth and to facilitate healing. Safe for both mother and baby they can be invaluable.
Lastly, tissue salts can be used throughout and after birth to support biochemically and naturally, helping to bring balance to the body and keeping you in optimum health – by empowering your cells vitality. There are just so many ways to support pregnant women and working within their needs and comfort levels can often make a huge difference to both themselves and their baby.
Gabrielle Cheyney is an acupuncturist, naturopath and holistic therapist at our Greenwich centre.